Sunday, January 9, 2011

Goals of the Semester

In order to be able to successfully represent your work you must stretch your boundaries and learn to express yourself in such a way that others can easily understand and appreciate your ideas. As you will learn in your upcoming semesters at UNCG, there are many ways to clarify your ideas, including speaking, writing, modeling, constructing, creating digital presentations, etc. Design Drawing is the most fundamental way of communicating your design ideas to yourself, your co-workers, and your clients.

Perceiving implies absorbing knowledge for yourself, communication is sharing your understanding with others. This course is the second of five that you will take in Interior Architecture specifically aimed at strengthening your visual communication skills. Throughout the semester we will be asking you to develop two interrelated modes of drawing: one of suggestive expression and another of disciplined accuracy. In both modes the ultimate goals include perception and communication of information.

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